Body Kits are usually the most effective way to change the exterior of any car drastically. Most of the time body kits includes 4 pieces which are front bumper, two side skirts, and a rear bumper. These kits are made out of fiberglass and some made out of polyurethane. There are many different kits to choose from when it comes to the Elantra. Some can give a subtle sporty look while others take the exterior styling to the extreme.
M&S Carart Kit for the XD hatch:
Some of the current body kits available for the Elantra can be found at this link:
Someone who is skilled enough at fiber glassing might even try to make his or her own kit at home.Deciding to body kit a car isn't something that everyone can do. Owners of the vehicle have to decide wether its going to be a good investment or not.
Most who have done this sort of mod have seen costs up to and including $2,000 for a finished project. This costs alone stops a lot of people from considering this type of mod. Body kits also need maintenance. Fiberglass tends to crack and break more easily then the OEM plastic pieces. This means that a person should know how to patch up certain problem areas and be able to repaint if necessary.
So you finally said, "yes I want a body kit and nothing will stop me." You have chosen the right style for you. Now it's time to find a reputable body shop. This kind of project isn't something anyone or an unexperienced shop can take on. They must have had experience with this sort of work or your car and kit my turn out like junk. The shop could waste your time and money and no results are apparent. So take your time, find the shop that your comfortable with and would be proud to tell others that they worked on your car.
So you've picked your kit and found a shop. You have enough in the bank to get it ordered,fitted, and painted. Now it's time to order your kit. Most online places do not have kits in stock or they order them from Korea. This means a huge waiting time and before a purchase is even made, it's wise to communicate with the supplier. Ask questions about manufacturing time, shipping time, is it in house or ordered from Korea. Make sure they have the right year and aren't going to send you a piece from another. Find out were others purchased there kits and ask more questions. I warn everyone not to rush into this sort of costly mod as you will crash and burn without being prepared.
Now this article isn't trying to scare anyone away from body kits, but instead inform and educate. People need to know that there is going to waiting for the kit. Down time from their car while it gets installed and painted. Finally maintenance on the kit as it might crack or chip from daily driving.
The payoff with having a kit can be huge. Others will be shocked and amazed at a car they probably have never seen. People will question and want to know more about the vehicle. Knowing that your Elantra is quite different can also put a smile on your face. This kind of mod is expected when it comes to shows and trophies could be another payoff.